What does it mean?

AMAB is short for “assigned male at birth”.

It is used by people who were listed as male on their birth certificate.

Sometimes other terms are used:

  • DAMAB - designated as male at birth
  • MAAB - male assigned at birth
  • CAMAB - coercively assigned male at birth

Babies who are assigned female at birth are instead described as AFAB.

Not all babies are assigned male or female at birth, with some intersex babies being left unassigned.

History focused

"AMAB" is a term that describes people using their history.

Terms like this can:

  • make it visible that people in that situation are able to make changes
  • make it visible that people in that situation are allowed to make changes

However, terms like this can also:

  • help create an expectation that people’s history is public and not private
  • give the impression that someone was not always their current gender

Think carefully before using this term to describe someone or a group of people - they may not wish to be described that way.

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