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Telling organisations

What is telling organisations?

Informing employers, educational institutions, etc, of a change in name, pronouns, title, identity, etc.

What should I be aware of?

If you are under 16, you may need to supply proof of parental consent.

Who should I tell?

We’ve created a checklist of places you might want to notify of a change of names, pronouns or title.

  • See getting a new passport for information about how to update your details with HM Passport Office.

  • HMRC have published guidance on how to notify them of a change of name or a change of gender. HMRC will normally notify the DWP and Pension Service for you.

  • See updating NHS patient details which includes important information about screening tests.

  • Hospitals and clinics often keep their own records, so clinics and hospitals may not automatically update their records when you tell your GP.

  • See getting a new driving licence for information about how to update your details with the DVLA.

  • You can find instructions for how to update this on the GOV.UK website.

  • Your employer will need to complete the steps listed on the GOV.UK website.

  • There is information about how to change name on the electoral roll on the GOV.UK website.

  • There are more details what to do if you have a Visa or BRP on the GOV.UK website, and this guidance may also be useful to read.

  • If you own property you will need to update your details with the Land Registry. There is information about how to do this on the GOV.UK website.

  • There is a form to update your details on the TV Licensing website.

  • You can apply for a new Global Health Insurance Card or EHIC in your new name. You can find more information on the NHS website.

  • Some people may be legally required to notify the police - you can find out more about this on the Unlock website.

You might also want to make sure that emergency contact details are updated if you’ve been listed as an emergency contact by your child, partner, family member, or friend.

What do I do if something goes wrong?

Sometimes organisations will tell you that they are unable to update your name or title.

It’s important to remember that to change your name and title:

  • you do not need to enrol your deed poll
  • you do not need a deed poll with an official seal or stamp
  • you do not need a Gender Recognition Certificate

If an organisation is not willing to update your name or title, the following steps can often be useful:

  1. Try a different employee

    It may be worth asking a different staff member to update your name or title as they may be willing to help you more. This might mean asking to speak to the manager.

  2. Ask why

    Ask to see a copy of the policy or procedure that says why they can’t make a change. Often staff will then discover no such policy exists.

  3. Highlight existing photo ID changes

    If you have already updated your passport or driving licence, explain that the UK government have already accepted your evidence to make a change of name or title.

  4. Explain their legal obligations

    The organisation is obligated under UK legislation to update the information they hold about you to keep it accurate - this is the principle of accuracy (Article 5(1)(d)) and right to rectification (Article 16) under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

  5. Contact the head office

    It’s often useful to contact the head office of the organisation, rather than a local branch, as they may have a better knowledge of the organisation’s processes and of your rights. The easiest way to do this is normally to use social media such as Twitter or Facebook to message the organisation’s main social media account. You could also ask staff at the local branch to give you contact details for their head office.

  6. Formally complain by letter

    If you’re still not successful, you can make a formal written request to the organisation asking them to update your information. You can do this using the template on the Information Commissioner’s Office website to ensure you are doing this correctly.

  7. Report the organisation

    If the organisation still does not update your details, you can read about how to get support to make an official report using the information on the Information Commissioner’s office website.

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